Oh my! This is my favorite by far topic. Text as Image. The history of Bauhaus. The legacy of the 1972 Munich Olympic Games (check out that design system). What wonderful lists you gathered, so wonderfully generous and interesting to read. I read the middle paragraph out loud, pure design poetry :)

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Oof, literally my ~favorite~ art / design topic. SO good. Did you happen to visit the Buchstaben Museum while you were in Berlin? Small, but very cool! And to answer your question - I'm a big fan of juicy, swirly typeface a la 70s flower-power-peace-and-love album covers. Thank you for sharing the Garamond deep dive!

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A very recent WSJ art review started with, " Art evolves as we evolve." Does a city also evolve? Elspeth's newsletter, so it seems to me, has answered the question for us. YES, I SAY, YES!

It takes an artist, a wanderer, a teller of stories, an Open Heart to discover and to explain to others the wonder of a place.

How admirable of you, Elspeth, and courageous too, to say "no" to a job in order to say "yes" to what you are truly called to do.

How easy is it for a newcomer, tourist or casual visitor to overlook so much of what a city has to offer. Thanks to you, Elspeth, we are taken on a journey that brings spatial clarity to what would otherwise be so new and unfamiliar we would ignore or miss so much. The details, sensations, are a sensory feast.

Thank you for the wonderful tour! Time to travel!

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